The visit was very basic stuff. We sat in the waiting room for a few minutes, we got moved to a private room after my blood pressure and weight were recorded and then we saw the doc for a few minutes to hear the heartbeat and measure the bump. So far so good. They requested a urine sample, but I didn't have to go when I got there. I asked a nurse for some water but we were through with the visit before she came back with it so I left without leaving a sample. (That night I had a dream they forced me to come back and leave one!) We didn't hear anything new and doc said we were still on track for a healthy Evelyn.
The day after the visit, Gavin's parents came to stay with us for the weekend to help us move. We moved about 7 miles away from our 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment in town into a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with lots of land and nature. We didn't tell Gavin's parents that we had already done the heavy lifting so they were pleasantly surprised to learn they weren't going to have to be workers the whole time. They rewarded us with groceries and new mattresses for us and the guest room. (We have a guest room!).
We spent the weekend getting minor things done, like unpacking and shopping for new door knobs and such. We ate out almost every meal and by the time they left, I was feeling a salad like nobody's business.
We spent our first nights in the new house this past weekend and since it is my grandma's old house, I wasn't quite comfortable with us sleeping in her old (the master) bedroom. So guests get the bedroom with the attached bathroom, and Gavin and I sleep in the room beside the nursery. It's so wonderful to sleep out in the country where you can hear the bugs from the porch and the train pass from your pillow. I had a couple good nights worth of sleep and a couple lousy ones (mostly due to our plethora of animals, including a cat that loves to knead my now-doughy breasts!).
Last night was a huge storm and Gavin and I sat on the living room floor, a box in front of each of us, and assembled Evelyn's stroller, bassinet and swing. Sam and Lou, our trusty cats, helped themselves to the empty boxes and the dogs cowered under the bed as our weather alert radio sounded off about flooding, high winds and the possibility of downed trees. I recalled memories from my childhood, sitting on the step to the back hall in my house, listening to the weather alert radio and being just as scared as my dogs were last night. Thunderstorms used to be my biggest fear; now I can lay back with closed eyes and listen to the wind and rain beat down and all I get is peace. The lights flickered a few times, but the power never went out. Thank goodness for that, because this mama has no experience with old houses and almost all of our flashlights are still packed up!
After the storm passed, Gavin made us some dinner and we sat on the couch and watched a show about people finding their first homes. One of the episodes was set in Charlotte where Gavin grew up! The dogs came out to cuddle and we stayed up almost to midnight!
Today I have been experiencing the doldrums. It was back to work for me and the day has been dragging on. All the excitement of the weekend is over and all I can look forward to is my first day of school tomorrow, which to be honest, I'm panicking about because I haven't been in 7 years!
So wish me luck!