My Sweet Evelyn,
The last couple months have been a blur of growth, development and excitement. You have truly blossomed into a little kid now. You're opinionated, have desires and know how to make requests. You have taken to many new activities with such ease that I can't help but swoon. I fall more in love with you every day!
Here are some highlights, not in order because I didn't keep it all tracked anywhere:
You got your own pool, which you laid in a few times and kicked your feet and splashed around and squealed with delight. We had spent enough time at the lake to know you loved water and we figured having a bit to play in at home outside the bathtub would be nice. :)
You've begun to hold your hand out and say, "hand" and then once I take it you lead me around to whatever you want to do. Sometimes you don't take me anywhere, sometimes you lead Daddy to pretzels.
Speaking of food, you've become increasingly picky. Some days I can't get you to eat anything, but then after a few of those in a row, you relent and eat a whole solid meal. You're really working my mom worry when you do that! Your favorite foods right now are chicken, blueberry breakfast bars, fries, pretzels, broccoli, carrots, fruit leather, cheese sticks, popcorn, watermelon. You sometimes will completely snub those too.
You've taken a liking to drawing. The tub walls have become a popular place to doodle with soap crayons, but upon request of Uncle Justin, we have supplied you with a couple canvases to draw on with all of the writing utensils you can handle. Daddy also found you a chalkboard and dry erase board easel to draw on when you're feeling less focused. Your masterpieces are beautiful.
We tie dyed a few shirts and onesies one night and you managed to dump the whole bucket of dye all over the floor when we were done. Some quick thinking saved the wood, but our towels are straight out of Woodstock now. No matter! We had a good time.
You were also in the second accident of your life. Mommy had a blowout tire on a back road and spun out, half flipping into a tree. You were unharmed, thank goodness but that was scary! You had your first ambulance ride and impressed the paramedics with your ability to completely calm down once Mommy put your favorite show on on her phone.
Since our car was totaled we ended up getting a new one, which you promptly vomited in and have since made every effort to leave your mark whether it be squished strawberries, spilled milk or whatever. I don't mind, we got the leather seats for a reason! Your new car seat also got a spill of chocolate milk in it before leaving the parking lot of the store we bought it from. :P
Your physical therapist prescribed the use of Kinesio tape for your ankle/foot but it's not turning out very well. You're a little too active for it to stay on as many days as they want you to wear it. You think it's a sticker though, so you're pretty okay with having it on.
With H in tow, we've been exploring more and more playgrounds. We found one right by H's house to visit when the sun doesn't beat down so hard. The splash pad near Julia's house was fun, but you're not a big fan of spraying water or being sprayed by water. You loved the sheep at the bottom of the hill, though!
You've been spending a lot of time with Granny and Papa during the times when Mommy has work at night. They are over the moon for you and take you to feed goats and cows and walk the doggies. You love the swing at their house and you play with the kitties there too.
We've really started the process of potty training now, asking you pretty frequently if you'd like to sit on the potty. Sometimes you will be compliant and go, other times not so much, but you ARE making progress. This morning you TOLD me you had to poop! You still didn't actually poop, but I'm hoping that means you've recognized what the idea is.
The stage of development where you get indecisive has apparently come about because you wanted to switch swings several times at the park last week. A butterfly landed on you that day too.
You really enjoy dancing with Daddy to records. You stand on his feet, hold his hands and dance away, giggling and screeching mirthful sounds.
Last night at Old Navy you found a pair of kitten shoes (which we had in a smaller size once upon a time, but you refused to wear them) and promptly sat down, pulled your shoes and socks off and put them on. They were way too big, but you refused to take them off! It was quite cute, really.
We have gotten you to sleep in your bed for at least a couple hours each night but some nights we forego the crib completely and let you sleep with us because, lets be real, it's wonderful having you so close. You don't seem to mind.
Here are some photos from the last couple months: