Thursday, December 28, 2017

3 years old!

My loveliest Evelyn,
 We are just three days away from your third birthday. You have been embracing the emotions that come with being three early and with vigor. Some days it seems like I can't handle you. But then you crawl into bed and snuggle with me and tell me how much you love me and cry for "ugga muggas" and hugs and kisses when I have to leave and I remember just how sweet you are deep down, behind all those "threenager" tendencies.
We are slowly learning to navigate the waters of those tendencies. You are constantly making demands, to which I have to respond with ways to ask nicely for things you want. You're a little more picky about who you hang out with and take a lot longer to warm up to those to whom you used to instantly run. I'm constantly challenged with responding to your behaviors and you really keep me on my toes, little girl! Reminding you to use kind words, keep your hands to yourself and play nicely with friends is a good chunk of my day. We are currently on holiday break from work, but when we get back it will probably be another period of adjustment to having friends around for hours each day.
We have been trying not to hole up since Mabel was born, making plans with our friends to maintain social interaction, but its hard with the weather being cold. Trampoline parks are fun, but I'm still not quite up to handling both you and Mabel at once, alone, in certain environments.
Being a big sister is a role you've done your best to embrace. You're fiercely protective of little Mabel and I'm doing my best to make sure you know that there's room for both of you in my heart. You get down on her level and speak to her, tickle her and try really hard to play with her. She's not quite there yet, but I think in time you guys will be best friends. She's starting to look a lot like you.
I'm very excited for your presents that should be arriving soon. I found a website with some STEM toys and got you a few things that I think you'll really like. We've been allowing entirely too much screen time during the day and I feel bad that you aren't being intellectually stimulated. Come January, I'm sadly cutting you off from your tablet and we will begin working on actual activities instead of sitting on the couch on my days off.
Last night while Mabel screamed her head off in Daddy's arms, you and I baked a rainbow cake. You cracked the eggs before I was ready, but were excellent at combining ingredients and were super eager to get to use the whisk. You're pretty good at pouring stuff now. I think this may be our new tradition. I frosted it this morning while you slept and I'm very sorry that it looks like you did it yourself, haha. It will probably still taste delicious, I hope, and you'll like anything that has frosting.
Saturday we are taking you to go skating for the first time ever! Your aunts Emma and Kat will be there and so will Nana. I'll probably hang to the side with Mabel. I can't wait to see you on wheels, though. You've been asking to go "skape" for awhile now and this is going to be so much fun.
Sunday night on your actual birthday we have dinner planned at Granny's house, same as last year. With any luck, Grandma and Grandpa Maxfield will be in town to join us too. I know you're going to have so much fun with everyone.
If I don't get back to write after your birthday, this will have to suffice as your birthday post. I love you so so much and I can't wait to spend another year as your mommy. Thank you for being you and for loving me just as much as I love you!
Hugs, kisses and ugga-muggas,

P.S. Even though we slowed down a lot when Mabel was born and I had to stop for a week during a thrush "outbreak", we are still occasionally nursing! Its been such a comfort and I think reassurance to you during this time of familial rearrangement and I try to allow you to latch at least once or twice a week as I think I can handle it.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Mabel Juniper Maxfield

 Mabel Juniper Maxfield made her entrance into this world on November 13th, 2017 at 10:40pm. She weighed 10lbs 5.6oz, measured 21.25in and has beautiful red hair! :D Here are some pictures of her first week. Evie is thrilled to be a big sister and has stepped up splendidly to this new role.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Photos From the Jaguar Wedding

I couldn't not post these amazing photos of you at your Uncle Jake's wedding yesterday. <3

I'll probably add some more later, too.