Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Memory Book

I have spend the first 10 weeks of your life occasionally worrying that you wont have a memory book like I did growing up. I never found the perfect "Baby's 1sts" book that I was looking for so I finally bought a baby-themed smashbook to use. It sat on the bookshelf for a few weeks gathering dust because I was spending all of my time with you! No time to cut & paste and collect and recall stuff. Granted, I made time for this blog, but its less intensive I think, than gathering all of the craft supplies and figuring out placements for pictures.
Well, I finally found the time yesterday while Daddy held you. I don't have too many pictures printed out since I almost never get out to the store to do it, but I put all that I had in the book. I also found the crib card and our hospital bracelets as well as the original BFP test! It was so much fun to do that I've motivated myself to go back out and get some more pictures printed for it. So look forward to a massive post where I share my creative works of art!
And in the meantime, here are some more happy things about you:

  • You are an evening person. Currently it is 1:45pm and you're still asleep. You had a brief awakening to cry for Daddy this morning while I was at an appointment, but you quickly gulped a bottle and passed back out. 
  • You absolutely LOVE the song Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. I think its because you get to move so much. Your favorite part is "knees to toes" because you fly forward. You get a great big smile on your face and so of course we do it like 5 more times.
  • A lot of people have asked if I cut your hair. Why? you may ask. Well, your bangs grow straight across like I took a pair of scissors and just trimmed them up. It's such a perfect line, most people don't believe me when I say I haven't touched them.
  • This week you are starting to look less like a squishy baby and more like a little person. It is bittersweet for me because I don't want you to grow up so fast, but I can't wait for what you have in store for me next. 
All my love, 

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