Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Anatomy Exam Visit-GENDER REVEAL

Yesterday was the anatomy scan visit at Duke. Gavin and I both woke up an hour before our alarms because of how excited we were. We stopped at Biscuitville on the way to the doctor and found a perfect parking spot in the shade right in front of the building. Everything was going so well!
We arrived a bit early so we sat for a few minutes in the lobby and before I knew it we were in the exam room with my skirt pulled down and my shirt pulled up.
The technician was super-friendly and had the gel pre-warmed to go on my tummy. Seeing my little one show up on the screen was the most magical thing. First the technician checked the organs, which all looked good, the limbs which were present and did some measurements of bones and the head. She checked to see if Baby Maxfield had any signs of inheriting the hole in the heart my uncle had or the lung issues my grandfather dealt with. Everything looked clean and good. She ran the camera over my stomach a few times to show me the body and I got to see and feel the baby kick at the same time. Doesn't sound like much but to me it was incredible. I cannot even describe how awesome that was. Gavin was pretty impressed too.
I asked if she already knew the sex from looking at the baby so far and the technician said she did, and did I have a guess?
I squeaked out, "is it a boy?" because let's be honest, Gavin and I both were rooting for a girl, but I figured with my luck we were going to have a boy. We haven't been able to agree on any boys names and then my brother would get to be right, haha.
"Actually, it's a girl," the technician replied and my eyes popped and I turned to Gavin with a big squeal and just screeched, "we dont have to come up with a boy's name! Yay!!!" Silly, I know. But I think I kind of already knew it was a girl so I didn't feel too bad about being relieved that I was right.
So that's the news. We're having a girl. A beautiful, sweet, incredibly wiggly girl. And I can't stop smiling. I thought it would feel more real now that I've seen her move and feel her move at the same time, but to be honest I still have a sort of disconnect with my stomach unless I'm currently feeling the movement. I don't know when I'll feel the reality of it but I hope it happens soon. I'm just so in love already.
Gavin spent most of the ride home talking to friends and family and letting them know. I sort of took my time letting my family know since I had to drive and also I'm really not a big center of attention lover. (Not that Gavin is either, but his family will not let up if he doesn't call them right away, haha).
We are in the process of moving a few miles up the road so we did some more moving after the appointment and then went out to dinner with my dad and his family. We had a wonderful time and trying to sleep last night was next to impossible. Too many little happy thoughts running through my head. But I'm okay with that.

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