Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Baby shower and doctor visit #3

I am excited to say that this past weekend was one of the best so far! I didn't have too much nausea and other than the heat making me a melty person I had all my energy and stamina back!
First things first, the baby shower:
Gavin and I drove up to my mom's house on Sunday afternoon. It's about an hour's drive, but its a beautiful hour and passes quickly with the scenery changing from country to city and back to country again with sprawling hills and farms and a sparkling view of the lake. 
We got there a little early so I could help my mom set up anything she hadn't gotten to yet. A couple of our friends also came early so we got to catch up before the excitement began. 
When the shower began, we were each given a clothespin to wear on our shirts. If we said 'baby' or any variation of the word we had it confiscated. Whoever had the last clothespin was the winner. I think I was third to lose mine. 
We decorated onesies, made up baby names and guessed for a due date and the weight/sex of the baby. I got a huge calendar with everyone's guesses written on it to take home. 
We ate cupcakes and my mom had made baby quiches and ham & cheese fingerprints for us to snack on. When the mingling settled I moved over to a picnic table to open the gifts. We got a bunch of stuff! My top favorites so far:
-raccoon pjs with a raccoon on the butt (so cute, I squealed as I opened it)
-baby carrying sling (I have already tried it on my cats and it's so perfect, I can't wait to use it!)
-Little tiny socks in different characters like Batman (so tiny)
-gift card to target which has been stowed away for after the baby is born so we can pick up any last-minute forgotten items

Loading it all into the car was craziness. Luckily we didn't have to give my friend a ride back so it all fit fine. 
I spent most of the evening post-shower going through everything and marveling at how much STUFF there is. And we haven't even gotten a real crib or nursery furniture yet!

Doctor Visit #3
Honestly, there's not a lot to say here. Gavin had to work an overnight shift after the shower from midnight to 10:30am and he was exhausted. He laid down for about an hour and a half before the appointment but claims not to have gotten any sleep. So I know he was a sleepy mess when we got to the appointment. 
They asked us if we were going to do the blood tests to check for downs syndrome and spinal defects, things like that. I wasn't really feeling it because I know that a false positive would throw me into a tailspin of worry and anxiety and that is just not what I need right now. We decided to talk it over while waiting for the doctor and we decided that it was not going to make a difference since we wouldn't be ending the pregnancy either way. So we declined the tests. 
Since no bloodwork was to be done, the only thing we did at this visit other than a discussion with the doctor was listen to the heartbeat. It was still in the 140s range and sounded completely healthy. 
I was a little disappointed that we weren't able to find out the sex this visit, but I am all the more excited to know that August 4th will be the FOR SURE discovery date. And I can't wait to see what my little baby looks like.
I've been googling ultrasounds at 17 weeks to see what others' babies look like and I'm just so excited to see ours.

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